COVID-19 Update
New public health data in Toronto shows that COVID-19 has disproportionately impacted racialized and low-income communities. As people from across the globe stand together with the Black community against systemic racism, we have an important responsibility to consider how we rebuild a just and equitable Toronto. There is no place for racism in our City.
Yesterday, the Province announced that many regions of Ontario outside of the GTA will enter Stage 2 of the economic reopening on Friday, June 12, 2020. Although Toronto will have to wait a little longer to move into Stage 2, you can read more about the reopening framework below.
Across Ontario – including Toronto – the limit on social gatherings will increase from 5 to 10 people, and places of worship will be permitted to reopen at limited capacity, effective June 12, 2020. The Premier has also permitted child care services to resume operations on a Province-wide basis to support parents as they return to work.
At the end of May, the Province announced that several regulated health service providers – including chiropractors, optometrists, and physiotherapists – will be permitted to resume operations once reopening guidelines have been established by the associated regulatory colleges. Since then, the Premier has extended Ontario's State of Emergency until June 30, 2020, and the Emergency Orders until June 19, 2020.
I was pleased to see the Province propose changes to the Commercial Tenancies Act that will temporarily prevent businesses that are eligible for Federal or Provincial rent assistance from being evicted. This is an important step to support our small business community as they begin to recover from the devastating economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
While workplaces in Toronto begin preparing to reopen, the City has been gradually reinstating municipal services and programs. Below, you can find more information about Toronto Public Library branches, park amenities, property tax deferrals, and the new CafeTO program. A full list of affected services is regularly updated on the City's website, here.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact my team at or 416-395-6408 if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions.
Regional Reopening Across Ontario
Yesterday, the Government of Ontario provided an update on Stage 2 of the Provincial reopening plan.
Across Ontario – including Toronto – the limit on social gatherings will increase from 5 to 10 people. All places of worship will be permitted to reopen with attendance limited to 30% of building capacity, effective Friday, June 12 at 12:01am.
Certain businesses and services will also be permitted to resume operations on a regional basis. A full list of businesses included in the Stage 2 framework is available on the Province's website.
At this time, the City of Toronto has not been included in the list of regions permitted to enter Stage 2. The Provincial government is expected to provide an update on when Toronto businesses and services can enter Stage 2 at a later date.
Child Care Providers Permitted to Resume Operations
Today, the Province announced its plan to reopen child care centres across Ontario to support the next stage of the reopening framework, beginning June 12, 2020. Effective immediately, staff can re-enter child care facilities and begin preparations for reopening.
When operators have met all the Provincial requirements for reopening, they will be permitted to resume operations.
The Province's plan will require child care operators to follow strict safety protocols and operational guidelines to ensure the safety of children and staff, including: implementing a COVID-19 response plan, daily screening protocol, and thorough and frequent disinfecting and sanitization practices.
For more information, please visit the Government of Ontario's website.
Thorncliffe Park Mobile Assessment Centre
This Thursday, a mobile COVID-19 assessment centre is opening in Thorncliffe Park in collaboration with the Michael Garron Hospital Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) team, East Family Practice Network, and Health Access Thorncliffe Park (HATP).
The assessment centre will operate out of the TNO Early ON Youth Centre at the East York Mall (45 Overlea Boulevard Unit 108) between June 11 and June 25, from 12:00 – 7:00 p.m., daily.
While drop-in testing is available, residents are encouraged to book an appointment in advance by calling 647-477-1640. An operator will be available to take calls from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Thorncliffe Park residents with questions about how to access testing are also encouraged to contact HATP at 416-421-6369 or
You can find a full list of COVID-19 testing facilities in Toronto on the City's website.
Public Health Update
Toronto Public Health has advised that the best protection from COVID-19 is to keep two metres away from others, wash your hands often, and avoid non-essential trips in the community.
However, they have also recommended wearing a non-medical cloth face mask or face covering in situations when you are unable to maintain a two metre distance from others, such as on transit, in an elevator, while shopping, or when entering and exiting your apartment building. Though wearing a non-medical grade face covering has not been proven to protect the wearer, it provides an added layer of protection for those around you, even if you have no symptoms.
Torontonians are asked not to use medical grade masks, such as N95 and surgical masks, as they are in limited supply and urgently needed for healthcare workers.
For information on when and where to use a non-medical mask or face covering, please visit the City’s website. You can also watch the City’s 5 Things to Remember about Face Masks and Coverings and Choosing the Right Face Mask or Covering videos for more tips.
At the end of May, the Government of Ontario announced the next phase of the province's COVID-19 testing strategy, Protecting Ontarians Through Enhanced Testing, to detect and quickly stop the spread of COVID-19.
For more information on Ontario’s testing strategy and how to get tested for COVID-19, please visit the Province’s website.
The City of Toronto Announces CafeTO
The City has initiated the CafeTO program to support our local restaurant industry as they begin preparing to reopen in compliance with the anticipated Provincial occupancy restrictions.
CafeTO will provide restaurant owners with a streamlined process to request sidewalk and curb lane extensions, ensuring adequate space for patrons to safely dine outside while adhering to physical distancing requirements.
Transportation staff are currently working on a full implementation plan for the CafeTO program in consultation with Toronto's BIAs. More information will be posted on the City's website as the plan is developed.
Ward 15 Feature: Thorncliffe Residents Group Food Drive
On May 20, 2020, the Thorncliffe Residents Group hosted their fourth local food drive, providing fresh food and chicken boxes to nearly 200 at-risk families.
With food and cash donations from local residents, the Muslim Welfare Centre, Iqbal Foods, the Ehsas Food Drive, and Morguard Residential, the Thorncliffe Residents Group has supported over 300 families with more than 11,000 pounds of food.
My sincerest thanks to every person, business, and organization who has contributed to this excellent initiative. In the face of unprecedented and difficult circumstances, our community has continued to band together in support of our most vulnerable residents.
Residents in need of food support are encouraged to contact the individuals listed on the poster above. If you would like to make a donation, please contact Masood Alam at 647-292-5364.
Toronto Public Library Announces Curbside Services
Last week, the Toronto Public Library (TPL) announced the reinstatement of drop box service at 70 branches across the City to accept returned library materials in preparation for the rollout of curbside drop-off and pick up service.
Toronto residents are now able to schedule a date to collect reserved materials through TPL's curbside pick up service. All branches will remain closed to public access, but library customers can continue to place holds online, through the TPL website, or utilize the many online library services.
In accordance with the recommendations of Toronto Public Health, TPL has incorporated best practices within the library and retail industries to ensure the safest possible curbside service, including new quarantining processes for materials, new physical distancing policies, and shorter hours of operation.
At this time, drop boxes should only be used to return library books, magazines, DVDs, CDs, and audiobooks. Fragile and large materials such as musical instruments or Arduino kits are not being accepted at this time as they may be damaged in the drop boxes. TPL has also advised that donations are not being accepted at this time.
While TPL is encouraging customers to return their borrowed items, it is not mandatory. You can continue to hold your items until branches fully reopen, and you will not be charged fines during this period.
Ward 15 is home to four great public libraries: Leaside, Locke, Mount Pleasant and Thorncliffe. Please note that the Mount Pleasant branch is not offering drop box services at this time.
To find additional locations that are offering drop box services, please visit
Ontario Extends Electricity Relief
Last week, the Provincial Government extended electricity relief rates until October 31, 2020 at a fixed rate of 12.8¢/kWh. The new COVID-19 Recovery Rate will apply to all time-of-use (TOU) customers 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week.
For more information, please visit the Ontario Energy Board's website.
Additional Park Amenities Reopen in the City of Toronto
Earlier this month, the City began reopening park washroom facilities across Toronto. All park washrooms will be reopened over the course of the next several weeks.
For up-to-date information on park locations, operating hours, and amenities, as well as downloadable maps with facility details, please visit the City’s website.
Property Tax Deferral Program Extended
On May 28, 2020, City Council extended the property tax deferral program for those who need it most.
Residents and businesses experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19 can now request additional time to pay their property taxes without incurring “late” fees for the six-month period from June 1 to November 30, 2020.
City property owners can apply to the program at any time between June 1 and October 31, 2020. To qualify for the extension, the following criteria must be met:
Applicants must be able to demonstrate financial hardship stemming from COVID-19, including:
a prolonged suspension of pay or loss of employment
excessive business revenue loss or business closure
pending business insolvency or bankruptcy
Property owners must have a good payment history, meaning they are up-to-date on their tax payments as of March 2020.
All residential properties with a residential structure qualify. Commercial, shopping, office, industrial, multi-residential, or new multi-residential properties with a 2020 property assessment value equal to or under $10 million also qualify.
For more information on the application process and the documents required, please see the City's website.
City Services Update: Drop-Off Depots and Waste Bins
At the end of May, all City of Toronto Drop-Off Depots reopened to the public.
All depots have resumed regular hours of operation, with the exception of Bermondsey and Ingram Transfer Stations, which will only be open to the public during the following hours:
Bermondsey: Monday to Thursday from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. with a half-hour closure from 11:30 p.m. to midnight, Fridays from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., and Saturdays from 7 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Ingram: Monday to Friday from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. with a half-hour closure from 11:30 p.m. to midnight, and Saturdays from 7 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
While all locations will accept the regular list of materials – including household hazardous waste – compost pickup is not available at any Drop-Off Depot.
Residents are asked to limit their visits to Drop-Off Depots and are recommended to wear a face mask or covering when unable to maintain a two-metre (six-foot) distance from others. Additionally, payment must be made using debit or credit, as cash is not being accepted at this time.
For more information on Drop-Off Depots and hours of operations, click here.
As a part of the City's phased resumption of services, 311 is now accepting requests for waste bin exchanges. Actionable requests include:
The upsize or downsize of recycling or garbage bins;
New garbage, recycling, or green bin;
Additional bins; and
Bin repairs.
For the latest information about Solid Waste Management Services available, please click here.
Toronto Office of Rebuild and Recovery Survey
Since the outset of the pandemic, the City has sought input from residents and businesses on the impacts of them COVID-19 pandemic. Now, the City's Office of Recovery and Rebuild wants to hear how you and your community have been affected and how we can work together to prepare for Toronto’s recovery in the weeks and months to come.
Have your say on how Toronto can recover, rebuild and emerge from this pandemic even stronger by taking the City's online survey before June 30, 2020.
Supporting Local Businesses
In partnership with our Ward 15 BIAs and the Thorncliffe Park community, my team has developed a "Shop Local, Eat Local" initiative to promote our local businesses. You can find a full list of vendors on my website.
Two neighbours from our very own Davisville Village neighbourhood created a platform called Local Bee to encourage shoppers to pre-purchase gift cards or vouchers that can be used when vendors reopen. Find out what shops you can support by visiting their website today!
If you are planning to shop online or order take-out meals, please consider choosing to support a small business in our community. Every dollar counts!
City Allows Food Trucks to Resume Operations
On June 3, 2020 the City of Toronto announced that street food vendors, food trucks, and ice cream trucks can resume operations just in time for this year’s summer vending season.
More information for street food vendors, food truck and ice cream truck operators can be found on the City’s Food Trucks, Food Carts & Ice Cream Trucks page.
Additional Support for Small Businesses
On May 25, the Federal Government began accepting applications for the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA) program. You can find more information online here
The Federal Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade also recently announced a new financial planning hotline for small businesses.
Small business owners can call the 'Business Resilience Service' hotline at 1-866-989-1080 (toll-free) to connect with an advisor for guidance on government support programs, tax regulations, and strategic planning for recovery. The service is available seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (ET) and is operated by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.
Toronto business owners can also contact the City's BusinessTO Support Centre for a one-on-one consultation appointment about government support programs they may be eligible for.
High-End Auto Thefts – Safety Tips
In recent weeks, there has been a spike in high-end auto thefts from private driveways. While each reported incident is thoroughly investigated, you will find some precautionary tips residents can follow to help prevent auto thefts below:
Park in the garage, if possible.
Strategically park vehicles in the driveway (less valuable vehicle blocking in the more valuable).
Store your key fob in the middle of your house, in a signal-blocking container.
Never leave your vehicle running and unattended.
Install an anti-theft system in your vehicle (such as a steering wheel locking device).
Install a flood light to brighten your driveway.
Point any cameras in the direction of your driveway.
Avoid leaving valuables in the vehicle.
Avoid leaving garage door remotes in your vehicle overnight.
You can find more information about auto theft and crime prevention tips here.
Mental Health Support Services
Many people may be feeling anxious, unsure and even scared at this time – these are normal and healthy responses to unexpected or stressful situations. Public health professionals are emphasizing that it is important for all of us to continue reaching out to friends by phone or video chat, keep active while staying at home, and do our best to eat well and get lots of rest.
The City of Toronto offers a number of free mental health resources. You can find more information on the available support services by visiting the City's website or calling 211.
You can also find additional resources on the Government of Ontario's website and through the Wellness Together Canada portal.
Rebelstork, a female-founded local business in Don Valley West, wants to extend the life of good quality baby gear and promote sustainable parenting.
If you have extra, outgrown baby gear, consider emptying your nest to help families in need. For more information on Rebelstork's porch pick up program, please visit their website.
A group of Ward 15 neighbours have been volunteering at Kitchen24 to help service over 40 community organizations and provide more than 30,000 meals to those in need.
If you would like to support Kitchen24 and their team of volunteers, please visit their Go Fund Me page.
ActiveTO Update
Last month, the City implemented the ActiveTO program to promote physical distancing on Toronto's streets and create new active transportation routes.
Since the program was first launched on May 11, ActiveTO measures have been installed at over 68 locations based on the recommendations of Toronto Public Health and Transportation staff. You can view a map of all ActiveTO and CurbTO locations on the City's website.
At last month's second-ever virtual meeting, City Council approved a historic acceleration of Toronto's 10-Year Cycling Network Plan.
Transportation staff will continue to monitor all ActiveTO locations and make operational and safety changes as necessary.
Get Involved: Support Our City's COVID-19 Response
Volunteer Opportunities
Many of you have generously expressed a desire to support Toronto as we battle the COVID-19 pandemic. If you would like to get involved, please visit my website for a list of volunteer opportunities.
Food Security
The Neighbourhood Office in Thorncliffe Park (TNO) is seeking donations to help support 600 at-risk families with meals and grocery delivery. If you would like to donate groceries, please call Aamir Sukhera at 416-346-3000.
You can also support to TNO's food drive by donating to the Leaside Toy Drive Committee's Go Fund Me. With the help of our community, they have already surpassed $15,000 in donations! I'd like to thank all those who have generously supported this initiative – your contributions are greatly appreciated.
The City continues to partner with community and corporate agencies to ensure that food programs can maintain operations and meet increased demand. For more information on resources available in Ward 15 and across Toronto, please visit:
If you are able, please consider dropping off non-perishable food donations to food banks, such as the Community Share Food Bank and Sprint Senior Care, or local fire halls. If you own a restaurant or food business and have surplus food, please consider donating to Second Harvest’s Food Rescue initiative at
The City of Toronto announced the DonateTO: COVID-19 Portal to outline the many ways you can support your community, including donations of personal protective equipment, food, financial gifts, and other goods and services. For more information, please visit the City's website.
Staying Connected While Apart: COVID-19 Community Programming and Events
Although staying inside over the past two months has been difficult, our Don Valley West community has found creative ways to come together, even while we are apart. Below, you will find information on virtual activities that you and your loved ones can take part in from your homes:
Toronto Sport & Social Club: TSSC is offering a variety of free, low-cost, and for-charity virtual events. Visit their website to sign up for online bingo, trivia, eSports for charity, or to participate in their Keep Playing Challenge.
Got Talent Mondays: Every Monday, The Neighbourhood Organization is hosting a virtual talent show. Submit your videos to the TNO Toronto Instagram for a chance to win!
The Leaside Ministry of Silly Walks: For anyone who remembers the timeless sketch from Monty Python, local resident Cynda Flemming has set up Ward 15's very own Ministry of Silly Walks on Hanna Road. If you have photos of you and your loved ones showing off your silliest walks, please send them to
The Neighbourhood Organization is hosting a Healthy Eating & Cooking for Parents and Kids workshop series. The first session, Healthy Eating, will be held June 11, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. and the second session, Cooking with Kids, will be held on June 18, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. You can register in advance by emailing Rumana at or Cesar at
The National Arts Drive is hosting a free drive by or walk by event where you can view and support the work of artists from the North Toronto Group of Artists on June 20, 2020 from 4:00-7:00 p.m. at 345 Balliol Street. For more information, including a list of participating artists, please visit their Eventbrite page.