Jenner Jean-Marie Community Centre Update

In October, the Economic and Community Development Committee received a Needs Assessment report on the Jenner Jean-Marie Community Centre (JJMCC) in Thorncliffe Park, which was initiated by a motion I moved at City Council in December 2018.

The report highlighted the need to provide enhanced community programming and identify options to both expand the existing JJMCC and locate additional facilities in the community. City staff also recommended increased collaboration with The Neighbourhood Organization (TNO) and the formation of a Recreation Advisory Committee to represent the community's needs and interests.

The JJMCC serves as a community hub for Thorncliffe Park, which is home to a large and diverse population. At
12,000 ft2, the JJMCC falls far below the target size for new and replacement community centres (45,000-65,000 ft2) and the capacity is already outpaced by the growing community in Thorncliffe Park.

In response to the report, I wrote a letter to the Committee expressing my support for enhanced programming at the JJMCC and emphasizing the need to expand this critical facility, which you can read here.

Jaye Robinson