Clean Up on Aisle Three: New Street Litter Bin Dog Waste Pilot

In May, the City began offering a dog waste receptacle in some street litter bins as part of a new pilot project, launched in response to waste audits and field observations that showcased a high demand for this service. The audit determined that 45% of street litter bin waste (by weight) was organic material, 99% of which was dog waste.

Under the first phase of the pilot, which began in May, ten bins were located in areas of high dog concentration or adjacent to parks for a period of three months.

After the successful conclusion of phase one, the City expanded the program to include a total of 40 bins. Eight bins were retained from the first phase and 32 additional bins will be installed in new areas. The two locations in Ward 15 – Don Valley West are:

  • 88 Broadway Ave.

  • 150 Kilgour Rd.

Where a street litter bin does not have a dog waste compartment, residents are asked to dispose of it in the garbage or take it home and put it in their Green Bin. For more information on what types of organic waste can be disposed of in a Green Bin, please visit the City's website.

Jaye Robinson