Supporting Local Primary Care in Ward 15

In May, City Council unanimously adopted my motion to support local primary care services in high-growth neighbourhoods. In Midtown and North Toronto, there has been a permanent displacement of medical office spaces due to residential development proposals such as 586 Eglinton Avenue East.
The lack of affordable and appropriately-sized medical office space is leading many primary care providers to leave our local neighbourhoods. While the healthcare system is under the jurisdiction of the Province of Ontario, the City of Toronto can support measures to protect local medical services and identify priority areas for improving healthcare access.
Experts have suggested that establishing integrated healthcare hubs that are connected to local hospital resources could be a solution to this growing issue. In consultation with healthcare professionals, all three levels of government must work together to ensure equitable access to medical services.
My motion asks City staff to report back on tools the City can use to protect access to primary care services while supporting the Province of Ontario and healthcare partners to establish local health hubs. As part of this report, I have also asked staff to explore the feasibility of requiring medical office replacement at affordable rents in new buildings.
Thank you to Dr. Andy Smith and Dr. Karen Fleming at Sunnybrook Hospital for collaborating with my team on this motion and for their continued work on this issue in Don Valley West.
You can review the recommendations adopted by City Council below. 

Jaye Robinson