Port Lands Planning Study
Photo: Waterfront Toronto
The city and Waterfront Toronto are conducting four studies on economic development, urban design, transportation and infrastructure issues in the Port Lands and the area south of Eastern Avenue.
The first study will focus on developing a planning framework for the Port Lands, building on momentum from the Port Lands Acceleration Initiative, which I pushed forward last year at City Council and maintains Waterfront Toronto’s vision for a green, mixed-use waterfront while saving $120 million in infrastructure costs.
In fall 2012, I moved a successful motion asking city staff to explore all of the options to speed up the naturalization of the Don River, a key first step to unlocking development in the Port Lands, and I am pleased to see the initial planning steps getting underway!
A public consultation meeting is being held on Thursday, November 28 at 6 p.m. in the Riverdale Collegiate auditorium (1094 Gerrard St. E).
For more information, please visit http://www.portlandsconsultation.ca.