Special Council Meeting — Filling Vacancy in Ward 3
Photo: Roland Shainidze
On August 26, there was a special City Council meeting to decide how to fill the vacancy in Ward 3. The Council seat was vacated following the election of Doug Holyday as MPP for Etobicoke Lakeshore in a byelection.
After considering item CC38.1, Council decided to fill the vacancy by appointing a new councillor by a vote of 22-11. The new Ward 3 councillor will be selected at a special Council meeting October 10 and serve the remainder of the term of office that ends on November 30, 2014.
Nominations are now open. Anyone interested in putting their name forward for the appointment must file an application by noon on Thursday, September 26, 2013 at the City Clerk’s Office, 100 Queen St. W., 2nd Floor.
To be considered, interested individuals must complete a Declaration of Qualification and Consent of Nominee form, which will be given out at an information session on Wednesday, September 25 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Etobicoke Civic Centre, 399 The West Mall. They must also present identification with a City of Toronto address.
To be eligible for appointment to this office a person must be:
- a Canadian citizen
- at least 18 years of age
- a resident of the City of Toronto, or own or rent property in the City of Toronto (or be the spouse of the owner or renter)
- not legally prohibited from voting, or from holding municipal office.
For further information, contact Election Services at 416-338-1111 or visit http://www.toronto.ca/elections.