2015 Residential Waste Diversion Rates & Long Term Waste Management Strategy

The city has completed its Long Term Waste Management Strategy (LTWMS) – and it was unanimously supported at my Public Works meeting this June.

This Strategy is going to guide Toronto’s waste management plans for the next 30 to 50 years. A key part of the plan focuses on leveraging our existing, internationally renowned waste management programs to reduce waste and increase diversion.

The LTWMS recommits the city to a 70 percent waste diversion target – and we have a lot of work ahead to reach that goal. Last year, our overall residential waste diversion rate was 52% – that actually brings us back down to our 2012 rate.

In light of the recently passed Waste-Free Ontario Act, I believe Toronto should strive to do even better – let’s make our city the first “Zero Waste” municipality in the Province of Ontario!

To get Toronto on the zero waste path, I moved a motion at the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee meeting directing staff develop a detailed plan and schedule to reach a target of zero organics found the garbage. Almost 40 percent of the 500,000 tonnes of residential garbage sent to landfill by the City of Toronto every year is organic material that should be put in the green bin.

I also directed staff to develop a plan to get green bins and recycling into all buildings, including apartment buildings. In 2015, multi-unit residential buildings had a waste diversion rate of 27 percent, compared to 65 percent in single family homes – that’s why we need to prioritize improving waste diversion in this sector.

These motions are great steps forward in moving the city towards zero waste.

Click here to read my motions.

You can also read the full, 100-page Long Term Waste Management Strategy here.