Unfinished Developments and Abandoned Construction Sites

Earlier this term, City Council unanimously adopted my motion directing staff to work on an interdivisional strategy to regulate dormant or abandoned construction sites. I was inspired by the lengthy process our community undergoes each year to have the infamous “Lake Leaside” drained, as well as the growing number of inactive townhome construction sites on Bayview Avenue.

My motion directed staff to review a number of potential policies, including:

  • Implementing measures to compel builders to meet construction timelines and schedules, including but not limited to fines and revoking permits; and

  • Requiring restoration to pre-construction state, including remediating excavated sites and removing unfinished structures, hoarding, and debris.

After a lengthy review of the issue, Toronto Building staff determined that significant changes to the Province’s Ontario Building Code (OBC) would be required to strengthen the City’s ability to regulate dormant construction sites. As a result, the Chief Building Official has engaged the Provincial Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to request much-needed updates to the OBC.

At the June 2021 meeting of Planning and Housing Committee, I requested an urgent staff report on the outcome of the City’s discussions with the Ministry. I am expecting an update in the coming months.