Parks Updates

Redpath Avenue Parkette

I'm pleased to advise that after many requests from the local community and my office, Redpath Avenue Parkette has been added to the City's Capital Plan and Parks staff are now in the early design and consultation stages for a major park revitalization project.

In City's Planning's Midtown in Focus study, staff clearly outline that the existing infrastructure is already reaching capacity due to the rapid intensification that has occurred in Yonge-Eglinton, and the neighbourhood lacks a large, programmable park to support the growing population.

Broad community consultation is anticipated to begin shortly with park design, focused consultation, and construction to follow.

RV Burgess Park

Construction for the R.V. Burgess Park Renovation Project officially began earlier this month and is anticipated to be complete in Fall 2021, weather permitting.

Over the last year, my team has worked closely with Parks staff and the Thorncliffe Park community to refine the design for R.V. Burgess Park using the feedback we collected from the Resident Working Group. In 2019, I significantly expanded the scope of the project by allocating additional funding that nearly doubled the original budget.

The final design for the R.V Burgess Park and Playground improvements.

Instead of just replacing the existing playground, we are now transforming the park. The new design includes separated junior and senior play structures, adult fitness equipment, a water bottle filling station, natural play features, new planted areas and pathways, an upgraded storm water drainage system, and more seating options.

In order to ensure that the community is well served by outdoor amenities through the summer months, I have asked City staff to review the programming offered at other nearby parks while construction is ongoing.

You can access the official project webpage for background information on the engagement process to-date, finalized plans, and future updates as the project progresses at

Wilket Creek Park Retaining Wall

As part of the 2021-2030 Capital Plan, the City has retained the Toronto Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) to repair a failed section of a retaining wall at Wilket Creek Park.

The TRCA is in the process of collecting baseline data and are currently working to coordinate a survey and archaeological assessment work at the site. The Design and Permits phase is expected to be completed by the fall of this year, while construction is expected to be completed by spring 2022.

100 Broadway Avenue

Over the last few months, my team has worked closely with Parks staff to determine the scope and concept design for the new park at 100 Broadway Avenue.

As part of the planning process for the new residential development located at 110-120 Broadway Avenue, the developer has dedicated 746m2 of land to the City to be turned into parkland. In July 2020, an analysis of the neighbourhood was conducted to understand the existing amenities near the new parkland. Based on this analysis, a children's water play area, resilient wood seating, and a pedestrian path system will be included in the new park.

In April 2021, concept design input was collected from the neighbourhood. Survey results indicated the community's desire for more shade trees and sculptural seat walls while additional feedback also highlighted the neighbourhood's desire to make the park more pet-friendly and maximize the amount of available green space.

The design and community engagement phase is scheduled to continue through July 2022, and construction is anticipated to take place from April to September 2023.

You can access the official project webpage for background information on the engagement process to-date, and future updates as the project progresses, here.

100 Ranleigh Avenue

After months of community consultation and many meetings with Parks staff to refine the plans, I am pleased to announce that construction service procurement for the new park at 100 Ranleigh Avenue is complete and pre-construction coordination is currently underway.

The new park design includes a large, open green space surrounded by a thin path and several amenities including flower beds, fitness equipment, tables under a shade structure, a labyrinth, and armour stones.

Rendering of the new park at 100 Ranleigh Avenue.

You can access the official project webpage for background information on the engagement process to-date, finalized plans, and future updates as the project progresses, here.

21 Southvale Drive

As part of the planning process for the residential development located at 660 Eglinton Avenue East, the property at 21 Southvale Drive has been identified for an off-site parkland dedication. On June 21, the developer commenced work to return the property to "base park condition," which includes rectifying grading, sodding, and fencing. Once base park condition has been achieved, the developer will convey the property to the City.

Once conveyed, the property will become part of the Parks Capital Program. The City plans to look at 21 Southvale Drive and the Leaside Memorial Gardens property as a whole and will engage in public consultation on the design for the space.

Jaye RobinsonParks