Park Updates

21 Southvale Drive

As part of the planning process for the residential development located at 660 Eglinton Avenue East, 21 Southvale Drive has been designated as an off-site parkland dedication.

The developer has now completed fencing and grading as part of the required work to return the property to "base park condition." Sodding will be completed once approval for servicing the site is established. Once base park condition has been achieved, the developer will convey the property to the City and it will become part of the Parks Capital Program.

The City plans to look at 21 Southvale Drive and the Leaside Memorial Gardens property as a whole and will engage in public consultation on the design for the space in 2022 or 2023.

100 Ranleigh

Construction for the new park at 100 Ranleigh Avenue officially began earlier this month and is anticipated to be complete before the end of 2021.

In August, City staff completed water service upgrades for the park after pre-construction coordination wrapped up and excavation is now underway, including the removal of contaminated soil and grading.

You can access the official project webpage for background information on the public engagement process to-date, finalized plans, and future updates as the project progresses, here.

174-180 Broadway Avenue

Over the last few months, my team has worked closely with Parks staff to determine the scope for the new parkette at 174-180 Broadway Avenue.

I am pleased to advise that preliminary community engagement for this project has been completed and the design phase is expected to wrap up this fall. City staff have advised that broad community engagement is expected to begin in winter 2022, once the concept designs have been finalized.

My office was also alerted to the potential opportunity to acquire the adjacent property at 182 Broadway Avenue as an expansion for the parkette and I have asked City staff to explore the feasibility. I hope to have a positive update to share soon.

You can access background information on the engagement process to-date and future updates as the project progresses at

RV Burgess Park

Construction for the ambitious R.V. Burgess Park Renovation Project in Thorncliffe Park is well underway and anticipated to be completed this fall. Unfortunately, recent vandalism of the construction fence and items within the park have slightly delayed the work.

For safety reasons as well as to assist in the timely completion of this renovation project, staff have asked residents to please stay out of the park until the construction fence is removed. Thank you to the community for your patience through the summer.

To learn more about the project's engagement process, view finalized plans, and access current updates, visit

Jaye Robinson