Action on Roads

I have been working hard to direct staff and city resources towards Ward 25’s worst roads, which were battered by our colder than usual winter.

At City Council, I voted to increase the city’s spring road repair budget, and crews have already filled over 190,000 pot holes since the first of January.

But pot hole fixes are temporary repairs, and I have been concentrating on long term fixes. That is why I meet regularly with the General Manager of Transportation Services. In fact, my first meeting as a City Councillor way back in 2010 was about how to increase the pace of road repairs in Ward 25. I’m on our roads each and every day and even had the city’s senior management team tour Ward 25 and see some of our worst roads first hand.

Construction coordination – particularly with utility companies over which the city has limited jurisdiction – can throw up major road blocks, but I have been working with the city’s capital coordination team to improve the process.

To see a complete list of road reconstruction projects in Ward 25, please click here.

For more information about the roads in your neighbourhood or to bring a bad road to my attention, do not hesitate to contact me.